Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some memories of our journey...

celebrating Thanksgiving

Brief video 1 on Halloween:

Brief video 2 on Halloween:

awesome mom's group!
5 months field trip with kids
4 months field trip with kids
family meetup
3 months announcing the news to two grandmas of another grandchild!

husband and wife -- happy to finally have a sibling for our first born
Picture of our baby Genevieve and letter from Mom

Our Two Newest Favorite Organizations:

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Miss Foundation

1 comment:

  1. The photos are precious. But not as precious as you all are to me. That you were able to share several happy months with Genevieve makes me happy.

    Liz, you always had the most genuinely beautiful smile.

    Siempre está en mis pensamientos y mi corazón.
    - Kobi
